I spent Saturday morning going through 2021 accounting with my client. Looking through his QuickBooks.

  • Comparing numbers to previous years.
  • Making sure numbers matched the repair management system we also use.
  • Looking at what didn’t make sense.
  • Making notes at things to focus on tightening up for 2022.
  • Making a plan of what I can teach his office manager so she can serve the needs of this even better.
  • Making lists about the things that need to be gone over with the bookkeeper, categories that can be combined or need to be separated.
  • Things that can be written off but were categorized as “owner draw” when they were actually business expenses.
  • Assets that need to be added from purchases made that year.

Things that aren’t his zone of genius, nor are things he needs to be spending his daily focus on.

Going through double checking the work of the people hired to do those tasks for him because human error happens and without being big enough to have a “COO” or Ops Manager on staff daily, is necessary.

It’s a necessary thing that most people don’t do, or don’t have because they don’t know how to, don’t have the time to, or wait until shit is so catawampus that it’s going to take hours and thousands of dollars for someone to clean up.

Today I’m writing up category changes and reaching out for clarification on things and setting up a time to talk to the book-keeper.

Do most Business Coaches do this stuff with their clients?

I have no idea- but this one does. I do this because my mission is to keep things on track with my clients. Keep them as proactive within business and life as possible and this is a part of that.

I’m grateful for the vastly wide range of skillsets that I have obtained over my years of managing businesses and this is stuff I actually use from college!

Anyway- use this as your reminder that you should do a good comb through your numbers, categories, receipts, etc. at the very least quarterly, but ideally monthly.

…And note that not all Coaches are created equally.

 Jamie Thurber

Life & business coach

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