Where Your

Energy Goes


I had some time to kill this morning between appointments so I took myself out to breakfast.

Funny how this happens now that I no longer live conveniently located to everything in STL… But anyways..

So since it was just me and I planned on being here a bit working I sat at the bar. What I didn’t realize was that I was within ears distance of the work station that the waitresses use.

Holy smokes- so much shit talking.

Like about everything.

For an hour.

I am usually pretty good at ignoring any background noise but this was like catty, shitty energy that I couldn’t seem to avoid.

And man- it makes me fucking sad. Like I get it, I’ve worked in the service industry and people suck. Things get crazy and it’s stressful AF. BUT these girls were literally nit picking each other apart and just talking so much shit on everyone else that worked there.

It makes me sad that people choose to exist like that. And even more so, that women are still living in a way where it’s just so “acceptable” to put other women down.

This girl broke a glass. It was hot and in her hand right in front of me and it cracked. It was weird and she’s lucky she didn’t get cut.

Then these other chicks are snickering to each other about how she’s lying and must have just dropped it. and then of course other nonsense to go along with it.

Like why?

Totally unnecessary. Here what I know to be true… If you don’t start being mindful of the words that are coming out of your mouth, the things you’re choosing to focus on then your life will never smooth out. Things will never be more positive or better.

It just won’t.

So keep this in mind the next time you try to fill space with nonsense talk, or join in a converstaion like this just because, or believe that you have any business judging anyone, let alone talking about it.

Those things are like sewage to your system.

Words matter.
Focus matters.
Where your energy goes matters.
YOU get to control each of those things.

Interested in joining a group of positive thinking people that meet once a week? Check out my coaching group, Operation: Do and consider joining us. It will make a positive impact on your life if you let it and everyone in the group will be there for you through whatever you need, including me!

pinterest pin; no.1 powerful way to remove negative energy

 Jamie Thurber

Life & business coach

Thank you for reading along. At my core, I’m a creator first. These pages are filled with my stories, my experiences, and my heart. My hope is that you can walk away from each post feeling better and with things you can implement right away.  I appreciate you being here. 

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