You’re Not Alone

Sometimes a pretty loud fear that women don’t want to work with me creeps up.

It comes out of left field and really makes me stop and think every time.

Wait though– I have plenty of female clients and help women every day, so factually speaking – that statement is far from true… but it still comes up.

…That I don’t speak to them…
That the language I use doesn’t land well or is intimidating…
That this book is being judged wrongly by it’s cover…
That they think what I do or offer isn’t a fit for them when it was probably made just for someone like them…
That they will never give me a chance, or themselves, or where I can take them.

And I know, I know… the reaction that others have to me isn’t mine to dissect or police but that doesn’t make those thoughts any more real sometimes.

I worry that what I’m saying when I’m speaking directly to the woman that I want to work with (or have around me for that matter) falls on deaf ears… or no ears at all.

So, if you’re a woman who is reading this and has ever felt that way, you’re not alone. This shit happens sometimes and chances are none of it is fact… it’s all fiction that your head is making up.

If you’re a woman who is reading this and does think you’re not someone I can help, not at a certain level or something, that is okay- I totally get it. But if you wish you were (or are) curious, do me a favor and look a little deeper into what I got out there because sometimes that’s just fear of really being who we know we’re meant to be holding us back.

 Jamie Thurber

Life & business coach

Thank you for reading along. At my core, I’m a creator first. These pages are filled with my stories, my experiences, and my heart. My hope is that you can walk away from each post feeling better and with things you can implement right away.  I appreciate you being here. 

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