A new spin on November Gratitude

Let’s put new spin on a good existing challenge this November!

Remember that 24 days of gratitude thing that people used to do on social? (or maybe still do?) WELL I have a new spin on that I’d like to share with you….

Supporting businesses and services that I believe in matters to me.
As a small business owner, I know that referrals and reviews are things that no amount of money can buy and I do my best to share my favorite things with people when I can, as well as get on google or facebook to leave reviews but those opportunities don’t always present themselves, ya know?
The other day I had this inspired idea to do a 24 days of gratitude but with a different spin. The gratitude will be towards businesses and services that I love, that I use regularly, and that I highly recommend.

And you guys know I am the kind of person that does a large amount of research on everything I do or try before I do it or buy it so this is a very well thought-out list and will come from my own personal experiences only. ❤

So stay tuned for me to basically share all of my favorite things with you, exactly why I love them, and how you can use them too. ❤

So tune in here daily from Nov 1 through Thanksgiving to see some badass info about amazing companies that you probably need in your life too 😉
Gratitude is something I do my best to express and live in every day of the year, not just during the month of November, but I figured this would be a fun time to share just a little more of that magic out into the world, so here goes nothing!  

–Gratitude, in my opinion has a bit of magic to it. You see, it has the power to lift your spirits, the power to bring your mind to the positive, to the things that you have or experience that add to your life experience in a good way, even if that way is from the things you learn from a not so “light” circumstance. 

Learning to see the gratitude in the grand design of all things really changed my entire outlook on life and I’ve been practicing that for several years now. (I highly recommend it!)

The power of this challenge is to not only share some great recommendations with the people that you love but also to GIVE more. The power of this type of give is more than you know.

It’s providing a huge homage to the companies that you love and that help make your life a better place — That’s huge!


And let’s face it… Gratitude is kind of like the secret sauce. Like attracts like. Gratitude is a high ass vibration. Giving to other always warms the heart, yours and theirs. And seeing something you said you were going to do through to the very end builds more good things inside of you than you could imagine!


So If you’re interested in joining me in this challenge, I’d love it if you tagged me in your own challenge posts! And if you do this, I really suggest committing to the whole 24 days and seeing it through to get allllll of the amazing benefits that this seemingly simple act will ultimately provide you. 

So tune in to my personal Facebook feed daily from Nov 1 through Thanksgiving to see some badass info about amazing companies that you probably need in your life too 😉 (no salesy posts at all!) Just value and stories and joy.

All around, a great thing. You in?

 Jamie Thurber

Life & business coach

Thank you for reading along. At my core, I’m a creator first. These pages are filled with my stories, my experiences, and my heart. My hope is that you can walk away from each post feeling better and with things you can implement right away.  I appreciate you being here. 

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