I saved her over $7,000!
The other day I was wrapping up a last phone call with a long-standing client that is taking a little break to bring some of our big big plans to life in her world and we were discussing how she needed to handle a big move in one of her businesses… how to word the early termination letter, what facts to have prepared for what they may come back with, and how to stand her ground on what she wanted out of the situation.
The way this all went was going to drastically affect the way she would be or could be proceeding with the next steps in her new business venture, so it really was a big deal.

During that conversation I had to bring up many times that legally, they didn’t have to give her any breaks and while that wasn’t where it was leaning, that could very well be the reality she might be facing and needed to be prepared for that. Because even if that’s not what someone wants to hear, I’m not here to blow smoke. Especially not in these kinds of situations. I want people to have truths and realities so they’re not blindsided.
After we got off the phone she sent a message with the update, the response and asked what she should do next. I could tell she was nervous and not really sure what to expect. We voice chatted a bit more about that and as I was asking deeper questions about the original contract it became clear that the details were actually not clear for her, so I requested a copy.
After looking through what appeared to be a strangely developed lease that actually didn’t mention anything at all about exiting early I realized something… the lease was for 8 months.
Everyone involved was assuming that it was a year lease because that was what was typical for that company and her past several experiences with them. In assuming that it was in fact for 12 months, that would have potentially left my client in a spot to be on the hook for 3-4 months of rent equally approx $7,000 out of pocket (worst case scenario).
Sometimes we fail to remember the exceptions that are made sometimes and in this case, the not so typical drawing up of documents in order to fit a specific and personalized situation 8 months prior.
After I realized this and brought it up, everyone was shocked… so instead of looking at a 4-6 month drag out of closing up a contract, financing it, and being on hold before being able to make a big, expansive move…. She now had 60 days.
Talk about a turn around. That worked out more than perfectly and now the expenses are a quarter of what they potentially could have been and there is no need to put something she’s so damn excited about moving forward with on hold at all!
Maybe it was the universe having her back, maybe it was my magic at work, or maybe it was simply my business brain that’s been trained to look at all details and options but either way I’m glad I followed my instinct and the nudges to keep asking questions (and so is she) because there was a reason, a big reason.
Sometimes as a Coach I feel that I’m used as a vessel to help my clients receive what they need, what they might not be open to hear or see from anywhere else and in this situation, I think that’s exactly what happened (that and my 15+ years of experience in business didn’t hurt either).
There’s a win. One that may feel small to me as far as actions from my way go but is HUGE To her and is something that I was humbled to be able to help with. You see, this is the kind of thing that having a second set of eyes in the form of a Coach helps with. It’s in the checking of the dotted i’s and crossed t’s. It’s in the support to work through a potentially complicated situation and be prepared for whatever outcome may occur. It’s in knowing what we control and the part we play in that so we can get out desired outcomes to hit more often than not.
THAT is what we do.
Did you know Coaching could look that way too?
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Jamie Thurber
Life & business coach
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