Maybe it’s something that you see people posting about from time to time and you’re not really sure what they’re talking about. Or maybe it’s something you fear and it puts you into a freeze pattern while it’s happening.

Or maybe you’re like me and it’s just a thing that you’re aware of and mindful of.

From my perspective- it’s not a time to panic. It is not a time to halt all business choices, all communication, all action for fear that your contracts are going to be skewed, your computer is going to crash, and no one will understand a word you’re saying anyways.

Can you imagine if we allowed a planet that goes retrograde several times a year to shut down our ability to function?

Truth is, a lot of people do.

A lot of people pause, wait in fear of what may show up and if something does not go perfectly according to plan, we blame mercury retrograde.

The way I see it is why do we need another thing to use as an excuse to find things that are wrong? We don’t.

Have I experienced some weird and unpredictable shit happen to me when our solar system’s smallest sister decides to dance backwards? Yes.

Do you know what it did to me?
It made me more mindful.

In a world where mindfulness can literally be the ticket to the majority of the things you dread dealing with being minimized (or at least feeling like your ability to handle them is maximized), why wouldn’t we take this lesson from Mercury as a time to be MORE mindful? To stretch that muscle of mindfulness even more than we normally do…. Maybe to the extent that we probably always should anyway….

So what do you do when Mercury goes retrograde, instead of freeze and panic?

You trust yourself more.
You slow down more.
You READ things more clearly before proceeding.
You ask more questions.
You ask more questions after those are answered to ensure that you’re actually on the same page and everyone is clear.
You pay close attention to details.
You don’t make rash decisions.
You think before you hit send.
You double check your work.
You don’t answer that blast from the past if you know it’s not healthy for you (don’t blame our girl Mercury for your lack of self control with that boy, honey 😉 )

I believe in honoring what is happening in our atmosphere and the energy it brings with it, what I don’t choose is to blindly assume that it’s going to make my life bad because someone somewhere said it was certain to.

Like I do with the moon, I honor the energy shifts. I notice the things I may feel differently, address those when needed and continue to move in my own beautiful cycles, in perfect sync with everything bigger than me.

Life happens my beautiful friend. Microwaved planets or not.

What makes us more open and aware and “woke” if you will is to practice being as truly present and mindful as possible… ALL OF THE TIME.

Our thoughts are our thoughts.

Keep moving forward, read more carefully.

 Jamie Thurber

Life & business coach

Thank you for reading along. At my core, I’m a creator first. These pages are filled with my stories, my experiences, and my heart. My hope is that you can walk away from each post feeling better and with things you can implement right away.  I appreciate you being here. 

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