The word sovereign is being tossed around a lot right now. Have you noticed that?

It’s being used a little too lightly for my liking if I’m being honest.

Sovereignty is a big thing.
It’s a serious thing.
It’s a discovery and a journey and a decision to keep choosing yourself decision after decision in order to remain operating this way.

The textbook definition says a lot —-“ What does sovereign mean? It often describes a person who has supreme power or authority, such as a king or queen… Some nations and states can be described as ‘sovereign’, meaning that they have power over themselves. Their government is under their own control, rather than under the control of an outside authority or state.”

What does it mean to me?

To me it means that my decisions, wants, likes, dislikes, light, darkness, and everything in between are MINE and mine alone. They’re not influenced by others because I know myself so damn well at this point that there is no way anyone else could really chime in even if they wanted it. It’s almost like I don’t even notice it.

I’ve been studying for many years. Studying mindset, language, healing, motivation, productivity, spirituality, the earth, myself. I’ve spent years dissecting every thought, every reaction, every instinct I had.

During that, I’ve changed a lot. I’ve also learned how to have patience in a way I didn’t know I could even possess it because this process isn’t for the faint of heart and it takes a lot of attention. Over the past two years specifically I’ve been semi-patiently waiting for the time that these things would come naturally… like every time. To where I wouldn’t be noticing it after the fact and correcting it or just acknowledging it for what it was, but to get to a place where it’s in the moment. It happens, I react differently and as second nature it’s in full alignment with me. With my energy, my body, my desires, my definition of integrity, my ideal of what I want my life to be and how I want to be in this world.
The automatic thoughts now match what I’ve always known inside of me.

And as a result, everything that I’ve spent the past 6+ years learning about life, the brain, human behavior, business, this world, and myself ALL. HITS. DIFFERENT.
It’s hard to explain but until you reach a level of pure sovereignty within yourself, you don’t really fully understand the things that you think you do. Trust me. It’s just different.

Working with my Coach, Jessi Mendez has really been the major connector to this that I didn’t know how to put into words that I was searching for. I knew I needed a guide, someone who got it, who had been there, and who would gently guide me as I discovered everything about myself that I had been missing… everything that I never knew was actually holding me back in so many ways.

Recently we were talking about sovereignty and she said something that I feel like the world needs to hear… she said if she could hand pick the way her students went through her teachings (and there’s A LOT of them) she would have them start with sovereign because it’s really the best foundation one can start with to fully absorb and embody all of the other pieces.

That’s why she created a new program called Sovereign. And I would be doing all of you a great disservice if I didn’t tell you this story and share with you about her program. If you’re not sure where to start to go deeper into your personal journey and magick, in the bones, feminine and insanely crazy depth and joy and grieve and gratitude and just knowing is in your wheel-house or something you’re longing for… check this out.

Even if you’ve been on the journey for a while, you know what I’m talking about this embodiment……if you don’t feel like you totally have it- not totally, then this might be exactly what your soul has been searching for.

There are 3 amazing women involved, you get a session with each of them. As well as 8 weeks of LIVE training which isn’t something Jessi does much of anymore so dude—you’re going to want to get in on this.

If you’re interested in getting all the juicy details here’s the link to check this out!