Do you remember when we sat in that little French café and set big picture, long-term goals of what it would be like if I have 8 paying coaching clients?


—-This morning on a call my client said these words to me after we got done setting up a process for her to have a strategic waiting list for new clients that want to get started and she really doesn’t actually have any time availability for yet but still wants to get locked in as clients.

Huge deal!

In the quote above, she was reflecting back onto one of the VIP days we did a couple of years ago where I planned out a beautiful personal and professional day of fun and inspiration for her. At the end of that day we mapped out what she wanted her business to look like in the future, big picture. Well hot damn, here we freaking are! She did it. It’s here.

And the best part?
While yes, she is making 3x the amount of money she was making 2 years ago… she’s also happier and healthier than she has ever been. She FEELS better. She LOVES her life.

She’s no longer frantic each week about when she might have time to do her social media or create an email for her list.

She’s no longer crying to me about feeling horrible for not having space to spend “quality” time with her family.

She’s no longer terrified of not covering her expenses each month.

Her entire LIFE is different.

I do love for my clients to make all of the money they desire. I love to see them reach and usually exceed the financial goals that we set out for them. That shit is amazing and quite frankly probably something I should really talk more about because it is happening for all of my people BUT it’s the LIFE things that I care most about.

It’s the peace. It’s the mindfulness. It’s the lack of stress. It’s the lowered anxiety. It’s the space to enjoy their lives and not just work in a constant state of tension. Even if that work is fun, it still takes its toll.

So seeing someone not only work hard to get to their goals, but work SMART too. And to trust me in the process of prioritizing themselves, their homes, and their peace of mind at the same time, almost even over their business. That trust is the best part because it pays off every time.

That’s what I’m in it for. For creating the life that they had only dreamt of before. The thing they didn’t think was REALLY possible and then (and this might actually be the most important and most difficult part actually) but then finally letting themselves not only have it but enjoy it too. And allow it to become their new normal.

It’s all part of the process. None of it is easy. All of it takes commitment, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t always turn out to be SO. WORTH. IT.