Truth is, sometimes I can have the best day ever and still be sad at the end of it all.

Now before you jump to conclusions or start to type out something trying to “make me feel better”, keep reading because that is not at all my point here.

I’m happy. Like genuinely happy. I love what I do. I enjoy my work. I have an awesome family. Good friends. A beautiful home. Sweet puppies… and the list goes on.

And in spite of all of the things I truly am grateful for and aware of how good they are, sometimes I am still sad.

I miss someone.
I miss my other dog.
Things don’t always go my way.
I get discouraged.
I doubt.
I fear.

Those dark days you have? Those days where you just feel down? Well, you’re not alone. It happens to everyone.

I’m not writing this to play down your feelings in any way, I am writing this to remind you that not everyone has it together all of the time. I’m writing this to shine a much needed light on the darkness because in truth, it’s equally as important to acknowledge as the light is.

And by showing something other than the “highlight reel”, I hope to do that.

You’re not alone. We all get sad or have days when we just want to hide away and guess what?

That’s okay!!! Feel your feels. Just don’t cling to them, don’t allow them to weigh you down for long. After all, each morning the sun still rises and shines yet again… so can you.❤