**Originally published on Facebook April 27th, 2018.
Friday night 1 am… just finishing the day.
I’m not one of those entrepreneurs who runs around saying “if you’re not up at 5 am you’re never going to be successful” or “the late night hustle and grind is a must if you want to win”.
I don’t believe you HAVE to do anything. In fact, I actually think you’ll be MORE successful if you’re getting enough sleep, working out, eating well, spending significant time not working and disconnected, etc…. basically you have to take care of yourself if you want to be able to build and maintain a successful business.
BUT I didn’t always practice that. I worked all through the night. I woke up at the crack of dawn and dragged myself through the morning and got to the gym at 7 am because I was told that if I didn’t get up early, workout early, and stay up late I wasn’t working hard enough.
We’ve all heard it. And honestly, it’s all bullshit.
I’m more efficient, more effective, happier, healthier, and making 3x the money now that I DON’T operate that way. Why? INTENTION.
Now I choose to operate from a place of alignment and let everything just flow. I wake up naturally, usually between 7 and 8. I reserve my mornings for routine, mindset and writing. My day starts around 10 and I go to the gym at 3. Sometimes I work after the gym in the afternoons, sometimes I don’t. I basically follow what I feel called to do (unless I have a scheduled session or meeting) and go with whatever comes up. Sure, I line out tasks I need to do each day and week but I don’t force myself to do them until my fingers bleed and my eyeballs want to pop out. Not anymore.
And yes, there are occasional nights where I’m in a flow and I have a boatload of things to do so I just keep working way past my normal bedtime. A lot of times, those nights tend to be a Friday night…ya know because being an Entrepreneur is ultra glamorous.
But you see that’s really the beautiful thing, when you’re intentional and in alignment and in control of your own world then you can easily do that and it doesn’t disrupt anything.
It actually ALL feels good. When simply living your life is essentially your “work”, you know you’re doing something right.
Currently, here is what’s going on in my world-
Event 1 (Baby Shower) is being executed this weekend. The final week before an event is always the busiest so that’s been fun.
Event 2 (Birthday Party 1) is booked. Invites designed, printed, signed, sealed, and being delivered tomorrow. All details handled and 5 weeks until execution so that is good!
Event 3 (Birthday Party 2) guest list ready. Date set. All contacts made for venues, waiting for reply. Event 4 weeks out
Project/Event: (Rebrand Photoshoot) photographer and videographer in line. Shots planned. Outfits planned. Location picked. Suite and date to be confirmed this week!
Project: Operation Simplify my business. Groups being merged. Offers cut in half. Digital products hub being launched. Product line being rolled out and redesigned.
Project: Rebrand Website. Contracts signed. Website map lined out. New logos on final draft. Rough draft of website created. Still need to write new copy, record video, and get photos placed.
Event 4: GET SHIT DONE LIVE! Dates set (June 9 and 10th) location confirmed. Suites toured. Meeting rooms chosen. Time/agenda lined out. VIP list email written and will mail out in the morning. Promotion schedule planned. Special Guest Speaker line out! Photographer, videographer, assistants booked. Almost completely ready! Just need to confirm lunch and finish final touches on sales page. Event cart will be live to the public May 2nd.
I’ve been in major creation / Queen of Productivity mode friends Loving every minute of it! Stay tuned. Shit is about to POP off in my space over the next 90 days.
P.s.s. I’m so grateful for my team. They execute like CHAMPIONS.