Here’s the truth: This is HARD.
Not hard like “ooo adulting is hard” bullshit bitching about how you have to wash your own clothes or cook your own food. I’m talking about real shit.
Being an entrepreneur is fucking hard.
I’m talking hard like I have to pay all of my bills, and then pay the business expenses, and then pay my team so they can pay their bills,
then my run my clients teams so they can pay their bills, then pay me,and pay their own teams. Peoples lively-hood being my responsibility kind of hard.
I’m talking about eating healthy so I don’t wind up in the hospital.
I’m talking about keep creating so I can continue to grow and expand.
I’m talking about staying clear and in high vibe as much as possible so I can do all of these things successfully.
And manage my household.
And manage my vehicles.
And manage my money and investments and taxes and expenses and growth.
And be a friend, a girlfriend, a dog mom, a daughter, a cousin, a neighbor.
It’s fucking hard.
No I’m not bitching. I CHOSE this life.
I choose it every day. But I’m just being transparent with you here, it’s not easy to do.
It’s getting on video conferences with your clients team 5 minutes after you walking out of the gynecologists office, because you made a promise to someone to help them run their business.
It’s staying up until 3 A.M. to make sure your tech guy who’s on the other side of the world gets the info he needs so the project isn’t delayed because it being delayed means that multiple people will loose 10’s of thousands of dollars.
It’s asking the “important guy” the difficult questions no one wants to ask him because well, where is that payment for real though?
It’s eating Benito chips and string cheese because you’re stressed and have no appetite so you forgot to eat all day.
It’s those days that ALL of these things happen at the same time.
Those are the days where you pull up your entrepreneurial big girl panties, have a good cry and get back to work.
Those are the days you pull out that shiny folder of filled with screenshots of nice messages, client reviews, product sales and lots of other proof of WHY YOU DO THIS.
It’s reminding yourself that YOU WERE BUILT FOR THIS.
And if it was easy, we’d all have multi-millions of dollars and six pack abs. But not everyone is cut out for this life.
And that’s just the cold, hard truth.
In fact, statistics will prove that most people give up on their company before it actually becomes something.
So here’s the kicker though, I LIVE FOR THIS SHIT and if you’re still reading this, chances are so do you.
We’re the 1% of the population who have learned to love the roller coaster ride that is entrepreneurship.
We’re the crazy ones that no matter how many times it has scared the shit out of us or made us puke, we still get up every morning and get on that roller coaster, strap in and ride.
The good, the bad, the tears, the loop-de-loops, the smiles, and everything in between, that’s what we live for.
98% of the time you won’t ever hear us complain.
You’ll see the hustle.
You’ll see the grind.
You’ll see the success, the victories, the glory.
But you don’t see the lowest lows.
You don’t see the times we bang our heads against the wall. You don’t see the times we curl up in a ball and cry because well… we’re scared and it gets hard.
So if you’re one of those who buckle into that roller coaster ride regardless of the chances of something terrifying happening, CHEERS TO YOU.
You’re not alone.
You’re not an island.
You’re not the only one who looks around wondering “what the hell am I doing?” on a regular basis.
Cheers to pushing through it.
Cheers to leaning onto the hard times.
Cheers to you making the change.
Cheers to standing up and building what you want, no matter how many times you get knocked down.
And most of all, cheers to not complaining about it.
You, my friend, are a badass and I appreciate you.
Keep it up. Let’s dent the universe together.