If you’re one of those people who strut around with your chest puffed out proclaiming; “I don’t have a care in the world”. You’ll instantly lose my attention.
What a cowardly thing to do, to just NOT care.
Which is absolute bullshit, by the way.
You DO care about something. You probably care about a lot of things actually but the fact that you hide them tells me a lot about you.
Pretending to not care or give zero fucks isn’t serving anyone.
You’re dousing your fire.
And eventually you’ll combust and it will all come crashing down.
So I say, you should give a fuck, about the things that matter to you.
You should talk about what you’re passionate about. You should communicate your wants, desires, fears.
I have no room for people who don’t care and who hide their passion, who don’t speak their truth. I don’t want that in my space and neither should you.
The world needs more people who aren’t afraid to stand up and give a fuck about what matters to them.